We run sessions from;
8 am until 4pm, 8am until 12 pm and 12 pm until 4.00 pm during term time only (38 weeks per year.)
Children can stay all day or choose morning or afternoon sessions.
Children are eligible to attend from the term that they turn two.
Fees are £5.90 per hour.
Fees are payable in advance at the beginning of each month.
A half term's notice is required for any child leaving the nursery.
Fees are still payable if a child is absent due to sickness or a holiday.
FUNDING - Free 15 hours funding is available for all 3 and 4 years old.
- Working parents can get:
- 15 hours free childcare a week for
- 15 hours free childcare for nine month
- 30 hours free childcare for three and